A claim short-settlement occurs when an insurance company pays you less than what your policy legally entitles you to. Examples of these would be receiving a lower amount than anticipated during Health insurance claims when you direly in need to fulfil the medical bills. This can happen for various reasons, from misinterpretations of policy terms to undervaluing your claim.
At Bima Seva Kendra, we have a proven track record of helping clients secure the full compensation they deserve
Here's how we can help:
Never settle for less than you deserve. Let Bima Seva Kendra be your advocate, championing fair compensation and ensuring that you're not shortchanged by insurance companies.
No, short-settled and under-insured are not the same.
Short-settled refers to an insurance claim that has been settled for an amount less than what the insured believes they are entitled to, typically due to undervaluation or negotiation tactics.
Under-insured refers to a situation where the policyholder's insurance coverage is insufficient to fully cover the costs of a claim or loss event.
To determine if you have a claim short-settled, start by reviewing the claim settlement letter from your insurance company, which outlines the amount paid and the reasons for any deductions. Compare this amount with the expected payout as per your policy's terms and conditions.
Common reasons for short-settled claims include insurance claim-related issues such as exceeding policy limits, deductibles, co-payments, or exclusions for certain treatments.
If you believe the settlement amount is incorrect or unjustified, contact your insurance company for clarification. Should the issue remain unresolved, you can file a complaint about the insurance company or consult Bima Seva Kendra to review your case and assist with a fair resolution.
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